Become a Member and unlock Exclusive Privileges with Amadeus Rewards
Welcome to Amadeus Rewards, where your loyalty is not just appreciated – it's rewarded. As a member of our exclusive loyalty program, you embark on a journey that goes beyond traditional hotel perks. Immerse yourself in a world of privileges tailored to enhance every aspect of your stay. From room upgrades to personalized experiences and points that translate into memorable moments, Amadeus Rewards is designed to make your travels extraordinary. Elevate your stay, collect rewards, and join us in celebrating the art of hospitality with a touch of luxury.
Earn points with every stay at one of our properties
Receive 50 points as a welcome gift
Reach the next level to earn a tier promotion bonus
Earn extra points by spending in the restaurant
Receive 50 points on your Birthday
Stay at a sister property and receive 100 points
Ready to explore our Amadeus properties?
Each of our hotels offers a unique and unforgettable experience. From the heart of bustling cities to tranquil getaways in nature, our hotels embody the essence of hospitality, comfort, and style. Discover a world of warm welcomes, modern amenities, and personalized service as you embark on your journey with us.